
Tuesday 20 December 2011

Spending Quality Time

I have not blogged for a little while unfortunately and I have a feeling the hecticness of the festive period will impact my writing for the next week. The reason I have not been blogging is that I have chosen to spend more quality time with loved ones.

No matter how much I try, I cannot always fit everything in. Spending time with my Son, having a good meal in the evenings, spending time with my Honey, getting a phone call in with Mum, blogging too and not forgetting sleep - it just always doesn't work out.

I often try to get it all done and simply end up exhausted, much to my chagrin. Nevertheless I recognise that we do have choices and I have chosen to spend quality time interacting with those I love.

The difference has been amazing in some respects. Particularly regarding my son. He has become a new child! He tells me he is happy to see me, jumps in my arms when I arrive and spends as much time with me as he possibly can. It has impacted his behaviour, his demeanour, his presence - I would even go as far to say that my choosing to take extra time out with him, to go for more walks, to play his choice of games, to read, and to converse more with him has made an exponential difference in our relationship. I am not saying that it is merely a case of not writing, nonetheless it is a case of choosing to spend the time that I could be writing with those that are important to me instead.

If I had known then what I know now... How many of you get so caught up in being busy that you just do not have time to fellowship? Sitting and talking, reasoning, understanding, sharing your thoughts and feelings are so important. With your kids as mentioned it helps their growth and development. For your partner it helps bonding, your friends know you are there for them and your parents can see how much you care.

Although my blog is important to me, my precious time with my baby far outweighs the need to write. Don't get me wrong, I am still loving being a blogger and I aim to continue, however between kicking off my business, being a mother, getting time with my partner, mother and friends, blogging has had to take a back seat at times.

On this journey I am constantly evolving...everyday something occurs and triggers new ideas, new paths, and new adventures to embrace. As the year comes to an end, I can see that in the 4+ months that I have been writing this blog, I have gone from a frantic mother, consumed with worrying about my son potentially having Aspergers, to a calmer more together Mum, who no longer imposes societies labels on her child, and makes a difference in his life by being present. The result being, I am able to see him with clearer brighter eyes. He is just being an individual, expressing himself and growing in his own way. Nothing else.

Each post I have written addresses lessons learnt, each one is a reflection of what I am going through at that moment. As I write and reflect, I have aha moments, puzzled moments, joyful moments and sad moments too. I am learning so much about me each time I express my thoughts, and as I continue to strive for Happiness and greatness I realize that spending quality time with your children, friends, family and also alone, are some of the most important things you can do!

I would like to share with you some of the happy times I have been sharing with my son.

Love & Happiness!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures & a lovely post, I've missed you! Blogging shouldn't be pressurised, you blog when you feel you have something to say :)

